Unscheduled Maitenence

My personal “check engine” light has been glaring at me for the last weeks. I look at the date and think “Where did January go?!” I have been busy, yes, but certainly not so much that I could miss an entire month passing by.

Somehow I thought that life would find this magical place where the hourglass would even out and I would have time. Yet alas, no. Not yet.

Bug in SnowLooking at my posts for the last year and taking stock, it seems this is rather a continuous problem for me. Whirlwinds of adventure mean that time goes quickly. It is a reminder to appreciate moments but also that maybe I should finally take stock and figure out a bigger chunk of what I am doing. Hello Adult-Type World, I guess I am in you now.

In addition to figuring out my big-girl-pants next life steps, I’ve been in the process of trying to come to terms with this blog. See, at the end of December I broke my steak of blog posts. Once I missed one, I missed many. It is sad to say that a habit can so easily fall apart.

Instead of wallowing, however, I’m pushing myself to get the thing done and, imperfect as it will seem to me as soon as I hit publish, I will ship this today… or at least “today” Eastern Standard Time. Sounds like a rather inauspicious beginning but such has been the journey to this point and so at least that wild streak will continue.

The Tune Up

The conclusion that I have come to, my dear reader, is that Wednesdays don’t work for me. It isn’t anything that they did, you see, it is just me. I’ve changed. I’m not breaking up with them entirely though, I hope we are going to remain friends.

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Launchpad Linkage

Greetings from the launchpad!

My word for 2012 is “liftoff.” I can say without question that this week, if all goes close to plan, will live up to that. I’m coming off of a lovely long ride this morning  – thank you complete rest day yesterday – and a round of kettlebell fusion with a weight-vest which made me feel pretty much like a badass. It has been a great way to start a heckofa week.

I’ve a few projects launching and my Great Adventure starts on Friday so I’m going to start linkage with personal links, if you’ll indulge me, before moving on to the typical fare. I hope you are gearing up to launch something amazing this week. To wit… [Read more…]

Curate and Create Linkage

You are beautiful cartoonA new dad himself (Happy Father’s Day all!), Jeff Goins’ Writer Series – Steal – Day 6 held this gem:

“A good writer curates. She scoops up all the little pieces of inspiration around her, melding and mashing them, putting it all together in a hodgepodge mosaic that makes something new.”

I aspire to be this. At the same time, I reject the idea of taking it so grandly.

If I shift my thought to accept that I create and not just curate, maybe I can be more comfortable wearing the mantle of “writer.” For now, I like being a smoosher and blogger.

It happily stretches and challenges me to connect this to that, contemplating and dissecting experiences, to tie it all together into linkage or my posts. Mucking about like it is arts and crafts instead of a oh so serious craft, gives me great pleasure.

This is my virtual sandbox. CBB is my little corner of the Internet to play about in. I bring in the bits and bytes I find to create castles of ideas, bridges of thought, and impressionist abstractions.

A New Hodgepodge Mosaic? Maybe. But I just call it Linkage…

Intentional Enjoyment:

In case you haven’t seen it elsewhere, an update on Operation: Bears Good Cancer Bad.

Through the mysterious joy that is the Internet and Twitter, Dani saw my post about signing up for the Plummet at the Summit and decided so say “I’m IN!” too. We have so much in common, including reactions to that decision and WDS, it is quite scary . To have found another Internet (soon-to-be-real-life) buddy is definitely intentional enjoyment and a reminder that we are not as alone as we think we are.


Yeah, I’m linking my own content. A Post for Hack Library School on preparing for ALA — or any conference.

It is prime camping season, have you packed your most important survival tool: tampons?

This chart of the American diet explains so much and is so very sad.

Simple, straightforward, rules of the road for beginning cyclists.


“Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice.” Tracking our time and being more honest with ourselves and others by shifting “I don’t have time” to “it’s not a priority” (via @nerdfitness)

Haven’t gotten slapped in a while, about time. Name your fears.

How to Succeed by Seth Godin. On a side note: he had a typo in another post this week. It was a great reminder that our heroes are fallible.


Mothers Day Linkage

A very happy and joyful Mothers Day to moms in all forms out there! I hope you take some time to appreciate and say a little thank you for the positive effects of wonderful women in your life.

a caring momAs we honor those blood and otherwise motherly influences this reminder from Seth Godin about dedicating all our work is especially poignent.


On the other side of the spectrum, it is sometimes our moms and family that don’t seem to appreciate what we do. I loved this strong statement on supporting yourself on your own terms (via @tropicalmba)

Sean Ogle has some encouragement and tips to stay positive by reminding us to look at what we have done instead of comparing ourselves to others.

As vegan (still) who went out for a long run this morning I love Scott Jurek’s message and inspiration – kudos to Runners World for featuring him and promoting his upcoming book.

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Super Moon Linkage


I first apologize for the linkage hiatus. I was on the road and recovering from killer work week and Ath-Sav. Links are back and kicking off with a inspiration-information-enjoyment combo that I just discovered last night:

Sarah Kay at TED (forgive the autoplay) – I connected with this on so many levels (via Seth Godin email re: the book of her first poem)

On to a super dose of all the best I have managed to see and read over the last few weeks:


It is so simple, yet you should really read the whole thing. This  “secret to happiness in life” post and credo is the best, most affirming, piece I’ve read… well… in a while.

Steve Kamb’s epic video of his travel and fitness adventures. Very well done and fun to watch.

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