That probably isn’t a very good tagline or article title. Cheeky and cute if attempting “ironical” but not so much if true.
Yet, I AM still learning. I’m not even close to a Michelangelo so my work looks/feels/is like the smash-spattering of a 2 year old fingerpainting.
This is of course, might not be a news flash to you my dear reader, but I want you to know that I know it. This is a new world for me and I’m putting my big-beer-drinking-girl-pants on to admit that I am fallible and way over my head here.
Apparently that quotation is about writing. Ha!
Finding my way
My way through has always been gathering information and figuring it out. A fair amount of what I’ve been reading these last weeks have been talking about theme: finding your voice, honing your message, creating your brand… Not to mention my Marketing class with endless circle-back to value proposition and mission.
Great. Here I jumped in before I solidly, completely grasped or even imagined the whole picture. Now what?