confidence =/= competence

Here I sit… watching bars grow.

Bars Grow


In my life as a video editor I am intimately familiar with the “blue render bar of joy” and the tense waiting that accompanies it building pixel by tiny pixel from left to right. I both curse and thank the wise geeks who programmed it for adding the shimmer effect so it appears to be moving even when it is not.

“I hate waiting” – Inigo Montoya (not his most famous line but the one I hear in my head and more applicable)

Here is what not to do: replace or delete files before you know what you are doing.

There are lots of applications where being a rebel and going your own way is an incredible high. Dealing with computers/tech/electronics, unless it is in a total fun sandbox space, is not usually the time to be adventuresome though.

I could have saved myself a world of hurt by looking up the solution before diving in. Google your geekery before you go it alone.

Follow directions and always have a working back-up is the order of the day. [Read more…]

Not getting it done…

Are my ideas/intentions too ambitious and so it just doesn’t get there?

Am I sidetracked too easily by the shiny?

Do I loose momentum after the original idea?

Do I procrastinated to to point of extinction without a deadline?

Yes, yes And yes. Oh And yes.

[Read more…]