Wilco Tango Foxtrot

If you have the opportunity to snag any bottles of this fantastic seasonal offering from Lagunitas I would highly, highly recommend it. I had one a few weeks ago at my local independent cinema house just because I liked the name. I liked the actual beer so much I then ordered it again and (Yay universe!) got the very last bottle they had for the directors cut of “Das Boot.” Seemed rather apt and it was a good companion for such a film.

WTF is a ale (albeit a darker one), which is atypically light for me but damn does it have solid taste. It packs a decent-sized wallop in terms of alcohol content (7.83%) so be careful, especially with the big-girl bottle. If you’re still able to find one: sip slowly to appreciate all 22oz, take some time read the description on the side, and enjoy.


Successfully registered for World Domination Summit 2012. Feels right and am completely excited and energized (esp as latest tweet from Chris has it selling out in 13 minutes). I don’t have much of a long-range plan these days but finally doing my trek up (or down) the western coast is on the schedule.

Now I just have to get my shit together between now and then.


This will be fun.

Keeping on drinking, reading and enjoying life in the meanwhile…

Barcelona – Old and New

Barcelona, old and new

I was reviewing some of my images today in prep to finish my Italian cruise post and re-found this one.

I was running across a pedestrian bridge and all the overlap between old and new struck me.