Here is one last look at my long locks before I’m shorn for St. Baldrick’s tomorrow (taken last week in the snow).
Many have asked how I feel about shaving my head after 8 years of growing my hair out. I feel excited, nervous, julliblent, relieved, worried, courageous, apprehensive and grateful that I have such an opportunity. I’m happy and so thankful that at current count I’ve raised over $1500 for kids’ cancer research.
The real honor and accolates go to all those have that donated to the campaign. The entire team — my team — has raised almost 50 THOUSAND dollars for this worthy cause this year and I am so pleased to be in their midst.
I vacilate between thinking that it is no big deal and also it is a very big deal — feeling otherwise diminishes the emotional upheval and societal implications for all those who don’t choose to lose their hair but have it taken from them by disease. Amidst doctor visits and surguries, worrisome nights and hard mornings, so many little beautiful spirits undeserving of such trials have also had to brave losing their locks and outward image of themselves. I can only hope I wear my bald head and smile as courageously as they.
So as I gear up for 3 weeks on the road, with many changes in store in just the next two days, I think about the lives touched and forever changed by cancer. I think about Tommy and Alex, the two young brave souls that I’ll be keeping close to my heart tomorrow who are loved fiercely by those who know them well. I think about Joe with his ceaseless smile, Colleen with her endless grace, and Jim with his dauntless courage (and amazing hugs) and realize what I small thing I am doing.
“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
May I continue to have the courage and compassion to keep doing the small things I do with deep gratitude for the life I have created through them…